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Stoner Socks
Super dope design that will make you smile every time you look down.

Cheech & Chong Socks
Give tribute to the most famous stoners in history. Get you a pair now!


Make 420 great again.

High Clouds
What we do on a daily basis should be shown on our socks.

Ankle Leafy Socks
For the people who like the low cuts.

Confused Stoner
Yes you read it right.

Huf Navy Blue
High Socks. No pun intended =) 1 of 6 colors

Huf Banana
1 of 7 colors
Slip in to some nice and comfy stoner socks or shoes. Not everyone has the nads to wear these but to those who do, we tip our hat to you. On this page you will find super dope 420 designs such as Pot leaf socks, themed stoner socks and a bunch more variety and colors to suit and taste!
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